Goodbye world

December 8, 2011 Leave a comment

This year was pretty fun. I may not have learnt much about religion but I have learnt many morales and how to be a better person in general which is good enough for me

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What it means to be a Catholic in Australia today for me

October 24, 2011 Leave a comment

Personally it does not mean much for me to be a catholic today as the Catholic part of my life does not play a big role. I only ever go to church every other Sunday, Christmas and Easter. Any other event is because of what the school does for me. Part of this is because of me being unable to find time to go to church as I use to when I was little. However being Catholic helps me feel like I’m part of something much bigger than myself and allows me to express myself easier in the world. I value and appreciate that I am part of a Catholic school. It also helps me understand Catholicism and it’s ways and teachings.

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Good vs Evil

August 21, 2011 10 comments

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Bad in the world

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Good in the world

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Literary forms in the Bible

There are many types of literary forms in the Bible, one such example of this are Proverbs. Proverbs can be interpreted in many ways, they can be a succinct saying that conveys a basic truth about life and is in common use or a commonly referenced terse and clever bit of practical advice or a statement of truth or advice from the Bible, including both the proverbial sayings of Jesus and his disciples in the New Testament and sayings from the Book of Proverbs in the Hebrew Bible. Another example of the literary forms are Psalms. The Jews recognized straight away a dozen different literary forms in them:hymns of praise,pilgrim songs, supplications of individuals or of the whole people, ballads for instruction,prayers of thanksgiving and so on. They could evaluate them immediately, just we recognize religious hymns, soldiers’ songs, marches, or popular hits from pop culture.

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Aplocalyptic writing in the bible

Apocalyptic writing are messages in the Bible that people have interpreted as warnings of bad things to come. Others think that this is how God intends to carry out his plans for Earth. Writers of apocalyptic speculated that the power of Satan controls this evil age and afflicts the righteous through his human and demonic agents. But he will be defeated by the direct intervention of God, who will create a perfect new world order in which the good will flourish. These warning are similar to the rapture, in which the faithful will be carried up to heaven while the unfaithful shall suffer. A modern example of this would include possibly a doomsday device going off and wreaking havoc on a city and it’s people. Or a disease could become spread worldwide and kill many people. The message will be spread through visions and angels being sent down from heaven warning us.

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Prezi on Historical stories

May 13, 2011 1 comment
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